An Unexpected Quest
When my mother died early 2021 I had an opportunity to decide how I wanted to deal with her leaving my brother and me to ourselves.
This is the product of my grief processing
That was when I decided to use some of her paintings to create something unique, combining her painted stories with my 3d looks and animation.
I cut out some of the most iconic characters from my mothers paintings
Throughout her life my mother created an abundance of imagery, especially paintings. She liked to depict situations from real life or children's fairy tale-like stories. I found those I liked the most and put them into my 3D world.
It was the first time ever they got to meet each other.
The most minimalistic
church in the world
For the church scene I wanted a setting that didn't retracted from the scene with all its grandeur, but wasn't just blank walls either.
Fortunately for me there's a beautiful little church in Austria, that is incredible minimalistic, but isn't devoid of beauty. The windows are colored glass except for at the alter, where it's just a big glass wall.
I recreated the church, but changed a few things to keep the focus where it needed to be.
Grounding a floating dream
For the end scene I wanted the layout to be super dreamy. I started out with canvasses as flowing walls and this pathway that spiral between them. Eventually I settled on a mix between solid columns and dreamy floating objects.
The work with particles
As the particles are a major part of the film, I got to play around with them a lot. I wasn't particularly skilled in the beginning but I got there in the end.